Save By Getting Rid Of Excess

Melissa KleinTips & News

Moving is often ranked in the top ten of life’s most stressful events. One of the first things that tend to cause stress and overwhelm in the process is the fear of packing all of your stuff. Outside of those who are a practicing minimalists, if you are a human and have lived in a space for any length of time, you’ve probably accumulated plenty of things. Beloved items you use that bring joy to your life, and even more stuff you haven’t touched since the day brought it home. Now is the perfect time to purge those items and start fresh with intentional decor and less clutter. Here are some of the things you’ll save when you let go:
Photo by <a href="">Lukas Blazek</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>


Don’t wait until you’re ready to move, start sorting through your items now. Sell, donate, or trash the items that you’ve decided don’t have a place in your future home. When you’re ready to pack up for your move, you’ll save so much time because you’ll have less to pack (and unpack).


Maybe some of the stuff you’re considering letting go of is worth something. If that is the case, consider selling your items via a virtual garage sale or selling your clothes to resale boutiques in your area. Donate or dispose of whatever you don’t sell. Not only can you make money, but you can save money by moving less stuff. You may be able to fit what you love into a smaller moving truck if you get rid of those items that have gone unused for years! Plus if you are selling your home, having a clean and clutter-free environment will go a LONG way in getting those offers coming in!


Sometimes items can take up a great deal of emotional energy. It is often in our nature to cling to things that may have meant something in our past, but have no place in our future. Get rid of that baggage and create an intentional environment with positive energy in your new home.


Instead of taking the clutter from your current place into your new home, save space by getting rid of it now. Open spaces in your new home will bring you peace of mind and joy.

If you’ve done all this saving and you’re ready to save even more on a new home, give us a call today! We are experienced in this crazy market and ready to help you make the best offer that will get you into a home that you love.

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